Covid Update
We are living in unprecedented times. The Covid-19 outbreak has profoundly disrupted all our lives and those rhythms and routines. The situation has placed great demands upon us all and has necessitated urgent planning and implementation of new ways of living and working.
We have always held to the hope and the faith that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the
horizon. As the whole world is facing the uninvited and inevitable challenges to deal with the
COVID 19 pandemic lock-down, we still have faith that this tough time shall pass soon, opening up
newer and better panoramas for us all.
We all know that there hardly can be any substitute for the knowledge earned in the deliberated
classroom taught by the teacher. We very well understand that we all are practically locked inside
our homes and are concerned about various things including the academics of our children. So,
keeping this as our prime objective, we at Brookfield International School have been determinedly
exploring alternative paths to ensure effective learning with-in the paradigms of evident limitations.
Finally, the planning has emerged with the innovative idea of the virtual classroom for the
optimum utilization of the quarantine period that is ‘Foundation for Basics’. And this can be only
accomplished with the help of all the parents. We are indeed sure that our exuberant students can
make miracles and at the same time our understanding parents undoubtedly are going to be their
facilitators at home. This is an excellent period bestowed to all to reminisce the golden memories
and create the new ones to be cherished; this is the time to feel the bond of child-parents and caress
it forever, this is the time to respond to the extraordinary situation in an extraordinary manner.
You are requested to follow the given guidelines and assist your wards for their virtual classes at
home. Our teachers are not leaving any stone unturned to help out the students. Remember we
may be a few miles apart but in this tough time, we stay connected by heart!
‘Be indoors! Learn a lot!’
J.K Singh